
Barristers specialise in courtroom advocacy, drafting legal pleadings and giving expert legal opinions. They can be contrasted with solicitors who have more direct access with clients. Barristers act primarily as advocates with rights of audience in all Courts within the jurisdiction.

When called to the Bar, barristers are sworn in as ‘Officers of the Court’. As such they are integral to Australia’s three part system of government comprising the legislative, executive and judicial branches. Barristers, through their oath to the Court, play a fundamental role in maintaining the rule of law.  

Barristers’ work dress is very traditional in that they are required to wear a horsehair wig when they appear as advocates in trials in the higher courts. This consists of a black gown, bar jacket and jabot with strips of white cotton called ‘bands’ hanging before a wing collar. This makes them collectively easy to distinguish, but individually more anonymous. 

Our Barristers

Personal Injuries Law, Civil/Commercial Litigation, Inquests and Family Law.

Personal Injuries Law, Civil and Commercial Litigation, Contract Disputes, Inquests and Estate Litigation.

Commercial and Civil Litigation.

Practises in Family Law.

Corporate Law, Commercial Disputes including Contract Law, Insolvency, Property and Corporation matters including Director and Officer Liability and Shareholder Disputes, Succession Matters.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation