Dianna Worrell

Before becoming a barrister, Dianna practised as a solicitor in Corporate Law for approximately 7 years.

Dianna was called to the bar in 2011 and now has chambers in Brisbane and on the Sunshine Coast. Since commencing practice, she has broadened her experience to act in a wide range of commercial disputes including contract law, insolvency, property and corporation matters including director and officer liability and shareholder disputes. Dianna also practises in succession matters.

Dianna volunteers at the Suncoast Community Legal Service’s legal advice and referral service.

Dianna is also a Nationally Accredited Mediator.

Outside of the law, Dianna is a surf lifesaver with the Noosa Heads Surf Lifesaving Club. She is also a keen runner and recently completed her first 100km trail race.

Mobile:0412 684 601
Phone:(07) 3239 5459

Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation